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Dark Mode

The sun falls, the moon rises, America is trapped within Urizen's claws. Out of the jungles of Vietnam came ARPANET, an information system like no other. A utopia, for the Levithan. Enclosure. Cybernetic systems put all activity into tables and graphs, Citadel has the last laugh. Bloggers become Tweeters, Boomers go insane, Zoomers drive them to Femboy Hooters - the last remaining independent business of New Urbanist Development #666.  The new internet is filled with enclosed platforms, worlds created by large megacorporations for the retail of ads. Hyperefficent capitalist production negates productivity, trying to squeeze every last ounce of consumption from broke worker bodies. Want to create your own worlds? Dark mode. With the recent ban of Parler the task of building an independent social network is now more important than ever. The freedom-loving cybernetic security system has found another ace at its sleeve, exile. With attention so carefully monetized, human subjects can b

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